Friday, August 31, 2018

News update #1 - New blog, title, intro cinematic! - 8-31-18...

Welcome to the new home of Metroid Coven! It has been some time since I last posted any kind of an update, and I don't want to get caught up writing an incredibly long post. Suffice to say, that I am keeping this project a little quieter than I was before, as not to get my (or anyone else's) hopes up too much.

I have definitely started working on the engine again. There were 2 very significant bugs that I encountered that demotivated me from working on the game a few years ago. Suddenly, I opened up the ol' engine and I fixed them both in about 15 minutes. Go figure. So yeah, back on track!

I decided to work towards making a playable product before I do anything else, and that meant streamlining a few processes. I am about halfway-ready to start drawing new demo rooms. The title screen is done, and the intro cinematic is about 80% done as well, which is OUTSTANDING! Here are a couple previews below:

There is still some work to be done, like maybe adding something to the center of the scene in the title screen, and obviously a planet to fly to in the intro cinematic. I wanted it to look similar to Super Metroid's intro cinematic:

I think I did pretty well, except that I got the tilt backwards for the start of the second part, and I added a little extra rotation (closer to the Zebes cinematic).

Anyway, I will be posting this new blog to the places where Coven already exists (various forums, etc.) and try to post when I have something good to share. My relevant links and method of contact are right here on the blog, so please, feel free to contact me anytime.

Thanks for reading!
- Echo